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In pursuing the character of Christ, we will Seek Truth, Serve Others, Embrace Community, Exhibit Compassion, Develop Responsibility, Strive for Excellence.

Lydia-and-friendsStudents at Eastern Christian School are very familiar with these core values. We define each word to fully understand its meaning, and we find ways to live out our values each year. Students readily participate in teacher-designed service projects.

Ethan,-Jenny-&-KirstenSeveral elementary students recently designed their own service projects to exhibit compassion, and invited the school to participate as a way to embrace community. Kirsten, a second-grade student, asked if she could pray for her cousin, Ethan, in chapel. Ethan suffers from Cystic Fibrosis. Kirsten and her fourth-grade sister, Jenny, feel compassion for their cousin and wish there was a cure for CF. They described Ethan’s illness in chapel and prayed for him. They created a “Coins for a Cure” jar for the school office and collected $643.27 to donate to CF research.


Lydia, a 4th-grade student, was sad when her cousin recently shared her diagnosis of Leukemia. After spending a weekend together making bracelets, Lydia decided to make and sell bracelets and donate the proceeds to Leukemia research. Lydia and several friends gave up their recess time to make bracelets. They raised $212 and made approximately 100 bracelets.


Camden (4th grade) and Lily (2nd grade) lost their baby cousin to an unknown illness. Saddened by this loss, they decided to participate in Carter’s Challenge, a 5K run to raise funds for childhood illnesses. Camden and Lily raised $345 toward the $40,000+ total.

These students are just a few examples of children who embrace EC’s Core Values at a young age. The Bible teaches us that it is “…by grace [we] have been saved….” (Eph. 2:8) This salvation should inspire us to pursue the character of Christ and fill us with such joy that we “…let [our] light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things [we] do. And they will bring glory to [our] Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
